Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Winter Dresses, Tops, & Scarves at PixelDolls Outlet Depot

Two new dresses in 5 colors (Wish 1, & Wish 2), tops in the same design, and matching scarves went on sale today at the MIA PixelDolls Outlet Depot.  Stop in and see them--they are just what is needed at this time of year.  Both styles come in cranberry, brown, blue, green, & violet.  Dresses are only 99 Lindens; scarves and tops are 49 Lindens each.  All are transferrable and would make great gifts for all the stylish ladies on your list.

If you like the tights, boots, & hair worn in the picture, they are all available at MIA, too.  The tights are from PixelDolls.  The hair is Carlina style from A Wild Hair, and the boots are Lucy Boots from Alanis.  Everything is priced to help you keep on shopping :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Holiday Dresses in the PixelDolls Outlet Depot

Each model comes in 5 colors.  Holly comes in 5 rich holiday jewel tones: red, green, gold, sapphire blue, and black. Every color comes with two skirt choices.  One is tiered and short with netting; the other is a long gown style skirt, perfect for dancing.

Noel is a frothy confection in 5 rich shades with coordinating chiffon skirts.  It comes in green, blue, black, red, & gold.